Un elenco di articoli in costante arricchimento legati all’amianto, alle malattie, alla ricerca e alle cure
X-ray Image Acquisition.
Tipo pubblicazione
Study Guide; Book Chapter;
Autori/Collaboratori (2)
Byerly DW
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Tafti A
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
X-ray examinations are generally classified into 3 categories: radiography, fluoroscopy, and computed tomography. Radiography employs film or a solid-state image receptor to acquire static images for interpretation by a radiologist (see Image. X-ray, Anterior View, Lungs, Asbestos). Fluoroscopy is classically employed with an x-ray tube under an examination table while providing images on a monitor or display, typically in real-time. Computed tomography (CT) employs an x-ray source coupled with a detector array rotating around the patient with subsequent reconstruction of images into different planes.
PMID : 33085383
DOI : NBK563236 [bookaccession]