Un elenco di articoli in costante arricchimento legati all’amianto, alle malattie, alla ricerca e alle cure
Tipo pubblicazione
Study Guide; Book Chapter;
Autori/Collaboratori (2)
DeLight N
American University of the Caribbean
Sachs H
UMass Medical School
Pneumoconiosis is any lung disease caused by the inhalation of organic or nonorganic airborne dust and fibers. Patients usually encounter these inhalants in the workplace environment, and therefore it is known as an occupational disease. The most frequently encountered types of pneumoconiosis are asbestosis, silicosis, and coal miner’s lung. These particles cause inflammation and fibrosis in the lung resulting in irreversible lung disease. Prevention relies on workplace exposure management and health management regulations.
PMID : 32310362
DOI : NBK555902 [bookaccession]